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Friday, June 24, 2011

Karma,SatSang and Karmic Astrologer

Karma,SatSang and Karmic Astrologer

This above topic was formed not in the form of article ,it was just a conversation at MY Group in FaceBook
But I think for our convenience this can be set as Article too and mix with my previous published Article for well being.
                      Sat Sang is very easily described today ,like unconditional love.
I asked one person in mail intentionally a silly question to check him as he always end his mail
"unconditional love".
Unconditional love stays at "Visudha chakra" then and there he deleted my name [and i know that he will delete my name]
I  asked another person who uses this word ,if someone snatched your salary then will you give him unconditional love?
Here  Satsang means "real pious reading" with pure mind,real pious time spending with SadGuru who is not at all materialistic.[How Guru would be you will find in Patanjal Yogasutra]

I have found people are playing cards in it satsang?

Any body,any person,any book when you come in contact ,it emanates some waves ,you can understand that,if your body and mind are prepare you will get the sense at your "koolkundalini"...and it has been tested that Gayatri mantra works in several meters.
SadGuru's wave also works with many many meters or distance.

Sorry to say many people are only bother about their stomach and sex organ[I am sorry to say],but beyond that there is a world ,then only one can understand the meaning of SatSang .

                                   One saint was there ,his duty was that in the morning he went to a jhora[water falls]and through out the day he was saying "wow God what you made....what you made God"

To understand SatSang,what we mistake ?Where we find gorgeous,glorious temple,we think that yea it is ok....but according to religious scripture the road of spiritual journey is tough like a walk in the night over the blade.

The person who shows the spiritual light and drag towards that he
is Sat[Only Spirituality is Sat that is HE's reflection and his sang[Company] is Sat then forms SatSang .

As a KARMIC ASTROLOGER AND SOCIAL HUMAN BEING ,it is my duty to awaken people about the Karma
Karma are there types
1.Prarabdha[Which starts giving Result]
2.Sanchita[Which is in the Queue]
3.Aagami[The Karma which has not been started yet]

 Astrology gives you Alertness to face a critical problem.
The problem yo modify us ,which God will create ,Good Astrologer  can predict them and act accordingly.
Wearing stone,Mantra japa etc are also the  remedy.
Change in action and fast action,Mental preparation and be Alert is also the remedy .

                        Another real story I want to present in front of you.

                        A big Astrologer of Northern India said to his child [was reading at class X then ] "See you have a jail within a week,I am seeing this from your chart,I will do some remedy".
                     The father was  reputed person ,has lots of connection in Police.
  He telephoned to his friend  Police Officer "Do you arrange one day jail staying,  for my Child?".
The officer was stunned.

                       He knew that father is a Big Astrologer.He thought, definitely some thing, father had seen in boy's chart.He agreed ,told "Okay,I will arrange".Father brought his child in Police Station,and related officer arranged one day "lock-up"  for that boy with fan,cot ,all good things.But father told "No no...just like other prisoners ,you arrange. ".

                     Then officer remove all the luxuries items. from  lock-up room.After a day boy came back home.
 Within 7 days that boy frighted with one of his classmates  whose father was MP[Member of Parliament] at that time.
 That boy[jail faced] blow on  the nose of the child of MP ,and then they[MP] reported on Police Station.

                      But at that time forgetfully they didn't lodge any complain against that boy[jail faced],he survived.This is highest level of use of Astrology.
                       When a person takes some loan .If he doesn't repay,he gets jail.If he repays escapes imprisonment.
                       To accept the previous work do another work is one way,to oppose the work, do another work is essential.
                       According to this, it is not mandatory to accept the what the result in horoscope.
                      The commentator  [Bhottopala] of Brihatjataka[By VarahaMihira] told "Do some good Karma for balancing.Conquer Karma with Karma only."
                      The Astrology indicates the time ,the things which are in darkness can be seen with the help of a torchlight.Astrology identifies good and bad times and do works accordingly.
                      Remedies also in Japa of Mantra, Medicines, Donations,Colour Therapy,Gems,Solar therapy,Yoga Therapy and Also Change in Action,doing Good Karma .
                      God laughs when people don't understand God's Code.
                      Knowing God-code ,true Astrologer  can help people in many different ways .
                      One of God's code is also Destruction we must not forget also. 

Some karma can be changed and some cannot.
When you prepare any food, if sugar is less or other is less, water more or less, it can all be adjusted, repaired.
But once food is cooked, it cannot be reversed.
If the buttermilk is sour, milk can be added, salt can be added to make it drinkable.
But it can never be reversed back to milk.

Prabdha karma[Which has started giving fruits of previous Karmas] Sanchita karma[Which has not been started giving Result] can be changed by spiritual practices and Astrological Remedies

SatSang burns the seed of all negative karma.

When you praise real good person, you do good karma.
When you blame someone you take on their bad karma.[So in holi bible we find "do not judge"]
Know this and surrender both good and bad karma to the Divine and be free.
and the Agami Karma [Next karma]which has not been started yet.

This is Astrology dear ones this is Astrology.
One, do by one hand ,torture[Mental,physical,dis-trust or by other],in other hand do Shyama,Shiva,Kali,Durga,Govinda puja
Okay fine do those ,ready to accept the result for bad Karma which gives return in 1000 times .

Along with that I am giving my old note written in last year November 23, 2010

I think you will enjoy this also[though you will get some common things with this Article]


SatSang may be good book also ,Like Holi Bible,Gita,Ramayana,Tripitaka Sri Grantha Sahib ,any Good book which elevates us
To me Sat sang means meditation whole day ,on my Soul...
It Depends ,in a word which downgrades the souls is astat[will abolish]
Which upgrades our soul will pull to Cosmic.


"God my light, guide me every day.
Never, ever, lead me astray.
When you see that trouble's near.
I do not worry, Lord, you make it clear.

God my light, you are my strength.
If it looks that I may fall short, Lord,
 you add an extra length.
Take this ship, through the storms of life.
Make it stronger through all the strife.

God my light, let my candle burn.
So all can see and live and learn.
Lord, never let me hide this flame.
So I can be with you in God's name."

Jay Shiva OmKara
Glory Of SriRamaKrishna
Love and Regards
By Indranil Ray

Do you feel, in spite of your perfectness, you are still not getting required results.
Do you have ailments like headaches, depressions, restlessness, sleepless nights, hypertension, insomnia,
uneasiness, hyperactivity of kids and even chronic diseases?
The reason may be due to some hidden factors and problems caused due to panchtatwa imbalance in your horoscope.
Inmate's can never know as why the bad results are coming in spite of hard work.
Weather it is a home, institute, hospital, shop, factory or any work area, the working of person gets affected accordingly
Due to these unseen silent features of Horoscope .
I will guide you basically the calculations made to keep balance between the energies .
One can have a Pleasant Change in his /her life  by doing the  balancing the energy around oneself and
lead towards a golden future.
Rectifications done in such a manner will be permanent and create a highly positive energy and give hundred percent results

My Professional Charges are given below.
Full Year Prediction with Remedy Prescribed Rs 2550/[Cost of Remedy is Separate]
Half-Year Rs 1250/-
Single question Rs 250/-[Minimum 2 questions]
And the remedies which I shall give those shall  work .
Take  my professional help to get Peace in life and Progress in every Aspect of Life  

My Cell no 09038585477/09433031757 CALL TODAY
Much Divine LOVE, Divine GRACE and Divine JOY to you, beloved Soul.
Om Shanti

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Today is the Buddha Purnima .[17-05-2011]

                        The most important of all the Buddhist festivals, Buddha Purnima is considered the most auspicious of all the days in the year. Today is the  Buddha Purnima .[17-05-2011]
Buddha Jayanti or also known as Buddha Purnima is the most sacred festivals of Buddhist. Buddha Purnima (Buddha Birthday) is celebrated in remembrance Lord Buddha. Lord Buddha is the founder of Buddhism. This day is the birth anniversary of Lord Buddha. It falls on the full moon of the fourth lunar month (month of Vaisakh) i.e. April or May. This day commemorates three important events of Buddha's life
                        Although there are minor regional variations in the way Buddha Purnima is observed, the festival is generally observed by lighting oil lamps before the image of the Buddha, by reciting prayers or reading from the scriptures. Meditation and offerings of flowers, silk scarves, incense and fruit are also part of the worship rituals
- His birth in 623 BC.
- His enlightment i.e. attainment of supreme wisdom, in 588 BC.
- His attainment of Nirvana i.e. the complete extinction of his self at the age of 80.
                                                                                  This day is a thrice blessed day. Lord Buddha is considered the ninth avatar (incarnation) of Vishnu (Preserver in the Hindu Holy Trinity of Creator-Preserver-Destroyer). Gautam Buddha "lived and died in about the fifth century before the Christian era". Buddha means "enlightened one" - someone who is completely freefrom all faults and mental obstructions.

                                                                                Sarnath (Uttar Pradesh) and Bodhgaya (Bihar) are, in particular, known for the Buddha Purnima celebrations which are held in these two cities.

Main points of Bhddha's Teaching
Life's goal is Nirvana - the end of change, neither existence nor non-existence. .

Buddha's teachings : Four Noble Truths

The Truth of Suffering : Suffering (dukha) is the central fact of life. Pain is being born, growing old, sickness, death union with what we dislike is pain, separation from what we dislike, not fulfilling desires

The Truth of Origin (Samudaya) of Suffering : The cause of suffering is desires (ichcha), craving (tanha) or thirst (tishna) for sensual pleasures, for existence and experience, for worldly possessions and power. This craving binds one to rebirth, samsara.

The Truth of Cessation (Nirodha) of Suffering : Suffering can cease only by complete cessation of desires.

The Truth of the Path (Marga) To Ending Suffering : Suffering can be overcome by following eightfold path (arya ashtanga marga), right belief, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right meditation.

In a nutshell
1. SUFFERING is universal (to be born is to suffer)
2. The CAUSE of suffering is desire (desire propels the cycle of Samsara)
3. Suffering CAN be eliminated (through man's own untiring efforts)
4. There is a PATH to the cessation of suffering. (the practice of Dhamma)

The Five Precepts in Buddhism are :
1. Abstinence from killing all forms of life
2. Abstinence from sexual misconduct
3. Abstinence from lies and deceit
4. Abstinence from theft
5. Abstinence from intoxicants

Compiled By Indranil Ray 

Profile Of Indranil Ray
 Indranil Ray PGDHW and Telecom,MSc(IT), MCA Jyotish Bharati[Gold Medalists]
He is Computer Software and Hardware Engineer ,Famous Astrologer and Spiritual Guide and Mentor.
He is still the Director of Unisoft Computer,one of the Best Quality Computer Education Center in Kolkata(West Bengal,India).
He has lots of Successful Students in All over the World .
He was also Ex-Director of Racit Infotech Pvt. Ltd, Kolkata
Mr.Ray first introduced School Computer in West Bengal.
In One of his School Project he worked with Mr.Sankar Sen(Ex-Energy State Minister).
He gave training to the Stuff Training Colleges Of Calcutta University.
He knows Japanese language too.
He also knows Braille System For Blind Person, and also transliterated a book for them.
He is also Specialist on Stock Market Analysis.
He is the  member of the Ramakrishna Mission.Many Sannasyins of Ramakrishna Mission came to his house also.
14th President Of Ramakrishna Mission and Ramakrishna Math Reverd Swami Gahananandaji Maharaj Gave him "Diksha" .HE Loved Mr.Ray very Much.Mr.Ray was specially blessed by Him .
Mr.Ray is the Founder President of "Astro Spiritual Center"

Mr.Ray has vast knowledge on Astrology ,Numerology, Palmistry,Vaastu ,Face Reading ,Financial Astrology.Astrology is his passion.


Some thing to Say about Me 

I am the Vedic Astrologer with full knowledge of Western Astrology Sayana and Nirayana System
With many years experience in Chart Analysis using Parashara and other Jyotish techniques, specializing in current period analysis using various Dasa Systems.
I have deep, precise analytical and predictive skills and provides very accurate predictions.
I had trained in the accurate use of Ashtakvarga, Divisional Charts, Jaimini Karakas etc.I trained myself Transits very effectively to gauge and determine future life periodsunder the World Renowned Jyotish Guru’s .
The Best Astrologers are in fact advisers, healers .
It takes great subtle and deep into one’s birth chart objectively and see clearly what is hidden from plain view.

Spiritual power is also essential for Astrologers .
I am deeply Spiritual and has studied Metaphysics.

Om Shubhamastu 
Om SriRamakrishnArpanamastu

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Rama Nama

"Rama Nama should come from the heart. In that event, Rama Nama could become an effective remedy against all ailments. A man who believes in Rama Nama would not make a fetish of the body but would regard it as a means of serving God. And for making it into a fit instrument for that purpose, Rama Nama is the sovereign means. To install Rama Nama in the heart requires infinite patience. It might even take ages. But the effort is worthwhile. Rama Nama cannot come from the heart unless one has cultivated the virtues of truth, honesty and purity within and without."   ~ Mahatma  Gandhi
 Mahatma Gandhi.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

We Are Celeberating Basant Panchami .

                       Today, we are celeberating Basant Panchami .
Goddess of art, wisdom and culture will be worshipped by students across West Bengal,India.
                      Goddess Saraswati is also worshipped in various parts of the country in multiple ways and in different times. 
                       From schools to households, every one will be busy appeasing the Goddess of knowledge, who is considered by the Hindus as the daughter of Goddess Durga.
                       In Maharashtra and Gujarat, Saraswati Puja starts with ‘Saraswati Avahan’ on ‘Maha Saptami’ and ends on ‘Vijayadashami‘ with ‘Saraswati Udwasan’ or ‘Visarjan’ (idol immersion).
                       While in Eastern India, which includes West Bengal, the occasion s celebrated in the ‘Magha’ month (January–February).
                       It coincides with ‘Vasant Panchami’ or ‘Shree Panchami’ which is the 5th day of the bright fortnight of the lunar month of ‘Magha’.
                      Following the traditions, people place books near the Goddess' statue or picture and worship Her. Book-reading is not allowed on this day.
                       In the southern states of India, Saraswati Puja is conducted during the 'Navaratri' which literally means “Nine Nights”.
                       But the actual celebrations continue during the 10th day, which is considered as ‘Vijaya Dashami’ or the Victorious Tenth Day.
                       In West Bengal, Saraswati Puja holds a special place in the hearts of the young students.
                       Boys clad in punjabi and dhoti (traditional dresses) and girls wearing yellow sarees, in most cases for the first time, make the festival all the more special.
                       Food and special dishes are part of any Indian festival and Saraswati Puja is no exception where khichuri bhog (a preparation made out of rice) is offered to the Goddess.
                       On this day prayer of goddess of learning Goddess Sarawati is performed.
                       In Hinduism Saraswati (Sanskrit: सरस्वती sarasvatī) is the goddess of knowledge, music and the arts.
She is the consort of Brahma.Saraswati is considered to be the "mother of the Vedas"

                       The name Saraswati came from "saras" (meaning "flow") and "wati" (meaning "a woman").
So, Saraswati is symbol of knowledge; its flow (or growth) is like a river and knowledge is supremely alluring, like a beautiful woman.

                       In East Indian states of Bihar,West Bengal,Orissa; Saraswati is considered to be a daughter of Durga along with her sister Lakshmi and her brothers Ganesha and Karthikeya.

                       In the Rigveda, Saraswati is a river as well as its personification as a goddess. In the post-Vedic age, she began to lose her status as a river goddess and became increasingly associated with literature, arts, music, etc. In Hinduism, Saraswati represents intelligence, consciousness, cosmic knowledge, creativity, education, enlightenment, music, the arts, and power. Hindus worship her not only for "secular knowledge", but for "divine knowledge" essential to achieve moksha.

                      In some Puranas (like Skanda Purana) she is sister of Shiva (Shivaanujaa) and in some Tantras with Ganesha.
In the Devi Mahatmya, Saraswati is in the trinity of Maha Kali, Maha Lakshmi and Maha Saraswati. She is depicted as eight-armed.

                      Saraswati Vandana Mantra is an important hindu mantra that is recited for higher knowledge and wisdom.

Yaa Kundendu tushaara haara-dhavalaa,
Yaa shubhra-vastra'avritaa
Yaa veena-vara-danda-manditakara,
Yaa shweta padma'asana
Yaa brahma'achyuta shankara prabhritibhir Devai-sadaa Vanditaa
Saa Maam Paatu Saraswati Bhagavatee Nihshesha jaadyaa-pahaa.
Shuklam Brahm Vichar Saar parma Madhyam Jagadvyapini,
Haste Sphatik Malikam Kamlam Padmasane Sanstitaam .
Vandetam Parmeshwari Bhagwati.....
Saa maam Paatu Saraswati Bhagwati Buddhi Pradam Shardam


She, who is as fair as the Kunda flower,the moon, and a garland of Tushar flowers;
She, whose hands are adorned by the excellent veena, and whose seat is the pure white lotus;
She, who is constantly praised and glorified by Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh and other divinities;
O Mother Goddess, remove my mental inertia!


For Saraswati Chalisa You Can Watch:

Compiled By Indranil Ray

Indranil Ray Msc(IT),MCA Jyotish Bharati

 Astro Spiritual Guide [ Astro Spiritual Scientific Method]
Karmic Astrologer ,Specialized in Financial Astrology 
Get his Professional Consultancy Paying  nominal  Fees .
Mail at
or at 

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Mandukkyopanishad offers us a most significant gift. It tells us about the Universal Soul. The Universal Soul has two aspects: vaisvanara and virat. The microcosmic aspect is called vaisvanara; the macrocosmic aspect is called virat.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Attempt the end



Poet: Herrick
Attempt the end,
and never stand to doubt,
Nothing's so hard but search
will find it out. 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

We Are In Charge Of Our Attitudes

The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.” ~ Charles R. Swindoll