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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Today is the Buddha Purnima .[17-05-2011]

                        The most important of all the Buddhist festivals, Buddha Purnima is considered the most auspicious of all the days in the year. Today is the  Buddha Purnima .[17-05-2011]
Buddha Jayanti or also known as Buddha Purnima is the most sacred festivals of Buddhist. Buddha Purnima (Buddha Birthday) is celebrated in remembrance Lord Buddha. Lord Buddha is the founder of Buddhism. This day is the birth anniversary of Lord Buddha. It falls on the full moon of the fourth lunar month (month of Vaisakh) i.e. April or May. This day commemorates three important events of Buddha's life
                        Although there are minor regional variations in the way Buddha Purnima is observed, the festival is generally observed by lighting oil lamps before the image of the Buddha, by reciting prayers or reading from the scriptures. Meditation and offerings of flowers, silk scarves, incense and fruit are also part of the worship rituals
- His birth in 623 BC.
- His enlightment i.e. attainment of supreme wisdom, in 588 BC.
- His attainment of Nirvana i.e. the complete extinction of his self at the age of 80.
                                                                                  This day is a thrice blessed day. Lord Buddha is considered the ninth avatar (incarnation) of Vishnu (Preserver in the Hindu Holy Trinity of Creator-Preserver-Destroyer). Gautam Buddha "lived and died in about the fifth century before the Christian era". Buddha means "enlightened one" - someone who is completely freefrom all faults and mental obstructions.

                                                                                Sarnath (Uttar Pradesh) and Bodhgaya (Bihar) are, in particular, known for the Buddha Purnima celebrations which are held in these two cities.

Main points of Bhddha's Teaching
Life's goal is Nirvana - the end of change, neither existence nor non-existence. .

Buddha's teachings : Four Noble Truths

The Truth of Suffering : Suffering (dukha) is the central fact of life. Pain is being born, growing old, sickness, death union with what we dislike is pain, separation from what we dislike, not fulfilling desires

The Truth of Origin (Samudaya) of Suffering : The cause of suffering is desires (ichcha), craving (tanha) or thirst (tishna) for sensual pleasures, for existence and experience, for worldly possessions and power. This craving binds one to rebirth, samsara.

The Truth of Cessation (Nirodha) of Suffering : Suffering can cease only by complete cessation of desires.

The Truth of the Path (Marga) To Ending Suffering : Suffering can be overcome by following eightfold path (arya ashtanga marga), right belief, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right meditation.

In a nutshell
1. SUFFERING is universal (to be born is to suffer)
2. The CAUSE of suffering is desire (desire propels the cycle of Samsara)
3. Suffering CAN be eliminated (through man's own untiring efforts)
4. There is a PATH to the cessation of suffering. (the practice of Dhamma)

The Five Precepts in Buddhism are :
1. Abstinence from killing all forms of life
2. Abstinence from sexual misconduct
3. Abstinence from lies and deceit
4. Abstinence from theft
5. Abstinence from intoxicants

Compiled By Indranil Ray 

Profile Of Indranil Ray
 Indranil Ray PGDHW and Telecom,MSc(IT), MCA Jyotish Bharati[Gold Medalists]
He is Computer Software and Hardware Engineer ,Famous Astrologer and Spiritual Guide and Mentor.
He is still the Director of Unisoft Computer,one of the Best Quality Computer Education Center in Kolkata(West Bengal,India).
He has lots of Successful Students in All over the World .
He was also Ex-Director of Racit Infotech Pvt. Ltd, Kolkata
Mr.Ray first introduced School Computer in West Bengal.
In One of his School Project he worked with Mr.Sankar Sen(Ex-Energy State Minister).
He gave training to the Stuff Training Colleges Of Calcutta University.
He knows Japanese language too.
He also knows Braille System For Blind Person, and also transliterated a book for them.
He is also Specialist on Stock Market Analysis.
He is the  member of the Ramakrishna Mission.Many Sannasyins of Ramakrishna Mission came to his house also.
14th President Of Ramakrishna Mission and Ramakrishna Math Reverd Swami Gahananandaji Maharaj Gave him "Diksha" .HE Loved Mr.Ray very Much.Mr.Ray was specially blessed by Him .
Mr.Ray is the Founder President of "Astro Spiritual Center"

Mr.Ray has vast knowledge on Astrology ,Numerology, Palmistry,Vaastu ,Face Reading ,Financial Astrology.Astrology is his passion.


Some thing to Say about Me 

I am the Vedic Astrologer with full knowledge of Western Astrology Sayana and Nirayana System
With many years experience in Chart Analysis using Parashara and other Jyotish techniques, specializing in current period analysis using various Dasa Systems.
I have deep, precise analytical and predictive skills and provides very accurate predictions.
I had trained in the accurate use of Ashtakvarga, Divisional Charts, Jaimini Karakas etc.I trained myself Transits very effectively to gauge and determine future life periodsunder the World Renowned Jyotish Guru’s .
The Best Astrologers are in fact advisers, healers .
It takes great subtle and deep into one’s birth chart objectively and see clearly what is hidden from plain view.

Spiritual power is also essential for Astrologers .
I am deeply Spiritual and has studied Metaphysics.

Om Shubhamastu 
Om SriRamakrishnArpanamastu