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Friday, December 3, 2010


    What lies behind us
    And what lies before us
    Are tiny matters compared
    To what lies within Us
    "What Is Success"
                    by Ralph Waldo Emerson
    To laugh often and much;
    To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;
    To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;
    To appreciate beauty;
    To find the best in others;
    To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition;
    To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived;
    This is to have succeeded.  
    Hope    by Brian Quinn   When all about you is black with gloom,   And all you feel is pending doom.     When your bones are racked with grim despair -     When every breath is a gasp for air.    Keep on going, though you need to grope,    For around the bend is a ray of hope.      A ray of hope is perhaps all that's left,        As your will to live has been bereft.       You've lost it all, it's just no use!    You can end it all, you need no excuse.   But throw away that piece of rope,    And give yourself a chance of hope.    Just give yourself another day,        Brushing aside what your thoughts may say.   This is your life and you can make a new start,     By ignoring the brain - just follow the heart.      Taking baby steps in order to cope,    And minute by minute you'll build on your hope.    Build on your hope,. one day at a time,  Though the road be steep and hard to climb.      The hurts of the past - they should be dead.     The fears of the future are all in your head.      Just live in the present and refuse to mope      Your life will sparkle for you're living in hope.  


  1. Having an open heart is the most precious gift that a person can share with another. We are gifted with infinite power of love that can be felt far beyond our understanding. We can change lives by simply sharing our dynamic emotions and being present. Always show that you care and love at all cost. Much love and light to you all. May you be blessed with much love to last you a life time – Yvette Filion

  2. Thanks Yvette...Truly Said...100% correct...
    I am honoured getting your superb and excellent comment....Much Love And Light to you too.

  3. Indranil, I love the quotes you have chosen. The quotes people select say a lot about them. You have shown the heart of service to others as well as persistent optimism. It is this sort of spirit that the world needs more of. Thank you for starting this inspirational blog.

    Love and Light


    Success follows happines...
    not the other way around
    People want to be around happy folks.
    Opportunities follow...
    "Happiness is when what you think.
    what you say,and what you do are in harmony."-GANDHI-
    The hallmark,of a happy life is 3 times as much
    positive emotion as negative emotion.
    That means 75% of your life is happy...
    You are what you think about.
    You are how you feel.
    So think about and feel this...

    Great things are coming to me now:

    I am Grateful for my life
    I find the positive in everything that happens in my life.
    I am the hero of my own life.
    I laugh and smile everday.
    I am filled with positive emotions.
    Today I laugh
    Today I Love
    Today I Live

  5. Owl Dancer Soo Nicely Said...Appreciation is a Special Kind Of art...Love You Lots and Lots

  6. urve I always say You have a Super Mind..Truly You have...Super Quotes you share...I invite you all as Authors Also...Love & Light Always...

  7. For My Friend Binal
    Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.
    Winston Churchill

  8. The goal of life may be happiness, rather i should say it is definetely happiness. But happiness that comes from temperory things in the beginning is like nectar and becomes poison later. Material Happiness and distress are two sides of the same coin which cannot be seperated in any circumstances. May be theres a way out to transcend from the situation of happiness and distress and practice something beyond this, something in other words which is known as Krishna Consciousness and experience "True Happiness"

  9. Allz well :0)- Truly agree that friends inspire you, the best example i can see the sharing of this encourging quotes with friends by you. Thank you for contributing positive drops into the universal ocean. It is very easy to weigh down by excess drama, anger, fear, stress, and anxiety in life. Most people accept the situations instead of trying to improve it. I beleive that trying to do your best to contribute some positivity and love to the world, is not just important, but is absolutely necessary. Your efforts are really worth appreciation.

  10. Gagan,Your Truly inspiring Comment make this task more easier.
    It is so encouraging I cant explain this in mere words.
    Thank you .Thank you and Thank you.
    Your screen name you truly set correctly
    "Allz well".
    Gagan My Heart full Love,Regards ,Blessings to you .
    For you:
    “The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.” ~ Eden Phillpotts
